What is Dengue?

     Dengue Fever or Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is a viral infection caused by a dengue virus, specifically known as DENV-1, DENV-2, DENV-3 or DENV-4. The virus is transmitted to humans by Aedes Genus Mosquitoes, particularly the Aegypti and Albopictus. Dengue viruses spread through the bite of infected Female Aedes Mosquitoes.


 is a species of mosquito-carrying dengue virus.
Aedes mosquitoes has a white stripes/markings on their body and usually bite during daytime.
Aedes mosquitoes can be infected through biting Dengue patients.
Many of females Aedes has the capabilities to suck blood from the humans.
 Females Aedes do not require blood for their own survival instead they need blood for developing their eggs.
Originated in Swahili, Africa but found in tropical and subtropical regions around the world.
Females Aedes can lay their eggs 100 up to 300 eggs, and can lay 3times of their lifetime(2 weeks-1 month). Imagine how they multiply the population of this mosquito-carrying dengue. Thus, this OL Trap product was intended to control the population of Dengue carrying Aedes Aepyti mosquitoes.
Breeding sites stagnant water such as flower vases, rain barrels, old rubber tires, and containers that are kept in specific parts of the house.

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